The Emperor's Speech 皇帝的演讲 Back



YEAR: 2020

CLIENT: Westlake Omics

2019年是COVID-19席卷全球的一年,国家对于疫情的态度决定了人们生活的现状。虽然我们可以预见舆论对于散播恐慌所带来的下场,但是对于COVID-19视而不见,反而呼吁大家别担心,则会更可怕。一些研究蛋白质组的生物学家通过定量对比实验发现,感染 COVID-19 前后,观测到的人体的呼吸系统、免疫系统以及生殖系统的相关的蛋白质组的一些变化。于是我决定从科学的角度出发,做了一款插画,是基于皇帝的新装。匹诺曹当了国王,人们便无法分辨信息的真假,我们这些局外人可以一看看出国王是否在欺骗大众,但是局内人呢?他们是在迎合国王上演一出戏?还是说他们其实心知肚明却依然附和?两种状态,发人深省。“Corona is latin for crown”,表示冠与COVID-19的关系,也可以比喻性地描述氨基酸的脱水缩合。 那就是蛋白质合成的方式,可以比喻为大众聚集而来,聆听匹诺曹般的国王演讲。 此外,蛋白质是本研究的一个重要方面研究课题。

In 2019,the pandemic has swept the world. The country’s attitude towards the pandemic determines the status quo of people’s lives. Although we can foresee the fate of public opinion on spreading panic, we turn a blind eye to COVID-19 and instead appeal to everyone to have no worries, resulting the circumstance even more terrifying. Some biologists studying the proteome have discovered through comparative quanti-experiments that some changes in the human respiratory system, immune system, and reproductive system are evident before and after infection with COVID-19.Drawing on the Emperor’s New Clothes, the illustration presents the research findings of the study from a scientific lens. When Pinocchio became the king, people could not tell the truth from the fallacy. Outsiders of us could see if the king was deceiving the public, but what about the insiders? Are they catering to the king for a play? Or do they cynically compline? The two states are thought-provoking. “Corona is latin for crown”, indicating the relationship between crown and COVID-19, which can also be metaphorically to describe the dehydration condensation of amino acids. That is the way of protein synthesis, can be compared as mass aggregation of the public coming to listen the Pinocchio-like king's speech. Also, the protein is an important aspect research topic for the present study.